following are answers to frequently asked questions I get so often that
it makes sense to post them here.
Don't hesitate to call me if you have questions not addressed
Capturing spontaneous
planned 100% in advance...
Reed Settle
Pro Rodeo Photographer
1. How much do
photos cost?
Image prices are displayed as you go through the order
Various sizes are available, including collages, canvas
prints, as well as digital images.
Pricing include color correction, cropping for best
composition, and sharpening.
2. I want a size not listed, how do I order?
Larger, and unusual sizes are available; call to discuss
any size not displayed in the photocart.
3. I see several photos I would like them combined on one print. How
do I order?
Montages/collages, black and white and other specialty
photos are available.
Call to discuss if you do not see an example of what you
want. I also do custom work.
4. The colors of the photos on my monitor do not look correct. Why is
There are several factors that affect the color of the
photo as displayed on your monitor.
I color calibrate my
monitors using special hardware and software.
This gives me a very accurate color rendition.
I calibrate my monitors several times a week as the color
shifts easily.
Unless you are a photographer or
graphic artist you probably do not have a color calibrated monitor.
Internet browsers may also affect the
In addition you may be using
Microsoft Paint or some other generic photo viewer to view the photos.
These viewers will display the images
differently than professional, high quality graphics programs.
Night photography is tricky. Lights
vary from arena to arena.
Lights have their own unique “color
Lights cycle through different color
hues, not noticeable by the human eye.
For that reason the colors may vary
in a sequence of shots.
5. How to order photos.
Register first.
The easiest way is to order directly from the Photo Shopping
Cart in each gallery.
6. I was in the rodeo but do not see my photo. What happened?
There are several possibilities...
I may have missed the shot; though that does not happen often
The rider is out of position
The horse, bull, etc. is dramatically out of position
The rider has an unflattering expression, eyes were closed, etc.
The barrel is tipped over in the shot
The bull and rider was blocked by a judge or bull fighter
One of the assistants ran in front of the mutton buster, blocking
the shot
I am more than happy to check to see if there is one of you that
did not get uploaded
I will send you a proof to determine if you want to order it.
7. I see one photo of me on the website, are there others that
are not displayed?
ANSWER: More than likely…
If you are a barrel racer, I shoot multiple shots at each
barrel; choosing to upload only the best shots.
I may have a great shot but the barrel is tipped.
Some riders don’t want those shots displayed, but wouldn’t
mind having their own copy.
Call me if you think this is the case.
If you are interested in seeing a sequence of shots for
training, call me.
If you are a queen I select the most flattering together with the
horse position; collected, correct lead, etc.
Roughstock and timed event competitors:
I usually have multiple shots of your run, but only upload a few of
the best.
If you want to see if I have others email, FB (PM), or call me.
8. Can I get a digital copy
for FB or other social media?
Yes, if
you purchase a print and want a low resolution digital print for social
media I will provide one.
9. I see you posted my
photo on FB.
Can't I just use a screen capture or take a photo with my
iPhone and print my own?
The short
answer is no.
Think of it like trespassing
All of my photographs are protected by:
The Federal Copyright Act of
1976 :
The Digital Millennium Copyright ACT
(DMCA) enacted in 1998
of Copyright information from my photos has a statutory award of
Photographs are protected by copyright from the moment of creation
Photographers have the exclusive right to reproduce their
photographs; in print or digitally.
Purchased photos are for personal viewing only, not for:
Publicity display.
Create derivative works like
drawings, paintings, sculpture etc.
Copyright infringements--reproducing photos without permission--can
result in civil and criminal penalties.
Please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions.
I am interested in providing you with the best photos, best quality, and
printed just the way you want them.
Email: rsettle@cox.net
Studio Phone: 760-787-0005
Toll Free: 888-762-6257ots.
Credentialed Photographer For:
©2014 Reed Settle,
Roughstock Photography
All Rights Reserved
It is illegal to copy, use, reproduce or otherwise use any images on
this website. Unauthorized use of any image will result in notification
to Face Book (or other entity) that my photography is being used without
permission, and legal action may be taken.
The rules and limitations for use of photos varies between the PRCA, PBR
and IPRA. Do not assume you can use photos just because you see them on
social media. ALL photos are copyrighted whether they have the magical
on them or not.
Contact me if you want to use
any of my images. I am understanding and cooperative when approached.
Not so much when ignored or taken advantage of. |